Friday, April 1, 2016

Elfenbeinstårn-tenkning kan ødelegge høyere utdanning: MOOCs kan være løsningen

Professor John Covach skriver i en veldig bra artikkel med tittel "Confessions of a MOOC Professor" om hvor viktig det er at Massive Open Online Courses blir etablert for å hindre at utdanningssystemene bryter sammen:

Consider this: Napster, the online music store, was introduced in the year 1999. In the 16 years since, the music business has been transformed by file sharing in ways that have been quick and deep. Nobody could have predicted it then.
Higher education must be sure it is not the same kind of victim of change. Let us not fiddle while Rome burns.
Covach mener folket må bli invitert inn i vitenskapen:

Colleges and universities must work to secure their claim to superior expertise, not within the ivory tower but within the culture at large.
Takk til kollega Magnus Heie Gregersen for tips om denne fine artikkelen!

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